Kokoko! – Bazo Banga

22nd June 2024 · 2020s, 2024, Dance, Music

Here’s an Afro-techno party anthem from the Democratic Republic of Congo that should set your pulse racing and feet moving. Either that or you may be clinically dead.

Kokoko! are an experimental electronic music collective who create their sound through homemade unconventional instruments made from junk and scrap.

Their lyrics, sung in a combination of French, Swahili, Kikongo and Lingala, focus on the DR Congo’s political problems – a brave and dangerous thing to do in a country where political dissent can land you in jail… Or worse.

Their DIY approach reminds me of Staff Benda Bilil, a group of paraplegic musicians whose wheelchairs were made from scrap, and whose instruments included one fashioned from an empty fish can, a piece of wood and a guitar string.

I saw them live at Cafe Oto but the band fell apart soon afterwards, despite being the subject of a documentary shown at the Cannes Film Festival, for which they never received a penny, some members subsequently reduced to begging on the streets of Kinshasa.

Kokoko! started in 2016, brought together by producer Débruit (Xavier Thomas), who met the other members of the group at a party. They chose to use experimental, homemade instruments due to the high price of traditional instruments in Kinshasa.

They are playing on July 5 at Rough Trade East and I shall hope to be there, celebrating a change of government, alongside my fellow Congolese music-lover Oliver Bennett. In the meantime…